Be still as a mountain, move like a great river.

A NEW beginners class in Brattleboro, VT on Tuesday mornings starting January 7th at 9 am. A NEW beginner's class will start in Florence, MA, on Wednesday, January, 8, 2025, at 5:30pm.

A NEW beginners class in Brattleboro, VT on Tuesday mornings starting January 7th at 9 am. A NEW beginner's class will start in Florence, MA, on Wednesday, January, 8, 2025, at 5:30pm.

Long River Tai Chi New England (LRTCNE) currently holds classes in Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Its lineage derives from Wolfe Lowenthal’s Long River Tai Chi Circle which was established in the 1980’s in New York City and moved to New England in the 1990’s. Wolfe has been a student of Tai Chi Chu’an since the 1960’s, when he studied with the Master of Five Excellences, Cheng Man-Ching.

Professor Cheng developed the 37 Posture Yang form, which is popular worldwide. He also published a number of seminal books on the value of studying tai chi. Wolfe himself has written three influential books about this martial art: There are No Secrets, Gateway to the Miraculous, and Like a Long River. Long River has branches in many parts of the US, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Colombia, Scotland, and England.

We practice Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing's "simplified" 37 posture Yang-style form. The three pillars of our study are Solo Form, Sensing Hands, and Sword.