New Beginner’s Class Starts on Wednesday, January 8, in Florence at 5:30pm.
Massachusetts Classes
Beginner's Solo Form Classes start in October in Hadley, January in Florence, and April in Amherst. To learn the choreography of the form takes a calendar year. Each week we review the previous class and add a posture. New beginners can join a class any time during the first month. After that, the class will close to new students. Once a student has learned the Solo Form, they are entitled to join other form classes, or two person practice classes in New England. When new sword classes are taught, they will be invited to join.
Sun Studio
221 Pine Street (Arts and Industry Building)
Florence, MA
Beginners from 5:30-6:30 PM
Bright Red House
200 Venture Way
Amherst, MA
Sword from 5:30-6:30 PM
Beginners from 6:30-7:30 PM
East Street Studio
47 East Street
Hadley, MA
Beginners from 9:00-10:00 AM
Advanced class from 10:00-11:00 AM
(includes solo form work, sensing hands, and da lu)
Tuition Policy
The monthly tuition of $75 is due at the first class of each month. If you would like to drop in to another teacher’s class, please contact them in advance so they know you’re coming, and pay a nominal, sliding scale fee between $10-20/visit.
If anyone has financial concerns, please talk directly to your teacher. We believe that cost should not prohibit anyone from studying tai chi.
Weather Cancellations
For evening classes, teachers will post a cancellation announcement on our homepage by 4pm. For morning classes, teachers will post a cancellation announcement by 7:30am.